Sidekick 4G

Designed with a distinct visual personality and a strong Messaging & Multitasking experience. Awarded iF product design in 2012.
Lead interaction designer
Designs led by Samsung UX and Industrial design team, and collaborated with T-Mobile team. One of the biggest and most exciting challenge for this project was working closely with the engineering team to build production quality implementation of the new layouts and interactions being tried out for the first time on Android.
Throughout the course of making the product, we ran through iterative cycles of Brainstorm, Develop, and Evaluate. Because of its unique hardware form factor, this project also provided opportunities to work closely with the industrial designers to create a great end-to-end experience. We were one of the first teams in Samsung to work & ship a product in an agile manner.

The biggest and most exciting challenge for this project was working closely with the engineering team to build production quality implementation of the new layouts and interactions being tried out for the first time on Android.

As we drilled down into details, my main responsibilities were creating the interaction, layout, and overall flow of the experience.
Example of wireframes
I worked closely with the visual designers throughout the process so that we were thinking about & drawing the sample experience. Pixel-to-pixel visual design was executed by a visual designer on my team.
Product release
Sidekick 4G was launched in April 2011 for T-Mobile in North America.